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Quantum computing software that enables the design, optimization, analysis, and execution 
of quantum algorithms


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Design of Novel Quantum Algorithms with Classiq

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Optimization of Novel Quantum Algorithms with Classiq

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Analysis of Novel Quantum Algorithms with Classiq

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Execution of Quantum Algorithms Via Classiq

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a revolution in quantum application development

quantum circuits
in minutes


Tired of gate-level coding or trying to cobble together pre-written blocks?
Synthesize quantum circuits from
high-level functional descriptions. Create complex circuits that could not be designed otherwise, and turn months of manual work into minutes.


precise optimization of quantum circuits

Automatically optimize quantum circuits at the system-level. Specify the behavior you need and the constraints you want to meet, then watch our quantum application development software examine numerous alternatives to find the best solution. Control the width, depth, accuracy, entanglement level, gate selection and much more.


Build Commercial-grade quantum algorithms

Quickly design novel circuits to solve problems in optimization, machine learning, finance, chemistry and more. Analyze, optimize and maintain quantum circuits with ease, and deploy on the hardware and cloud provider of your choice.

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quantum algorithm design

The Classiq software Platform

A complete quantum computing software development platform for the design, synthesis, analysis, deployment and debug of pure and hybrid quantum algorithms.

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Classiq brings together world-class experts in quantum computing software, computer-aided design, and computer science to revolutionize the process of creating quantum algorithms.
Amir Naveh | Classiq
Amir Naveh
Co-Founder & Head of Algorithms
Nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical.
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Roni Gamzu
Professor of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
We will break the boundaries of data science for the benefit of medicine and patients.
Lukas Müller
Team Future Compute at the BMW Group
Our collaboration with Classiq and NVIDIA has enabled an innovative quantum implementation that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the application to automotive technologies.
Dr. Thomas Monz
This partnership brings together the best quantum software and ion-trap hardware, allowing innovation to thrive.
Mitsubishi Chemical
Mitsubishi Chemical
This demonstration showed the possibility of improving calculation accuracy when developing new materials using efficient quantum circuit design technology.
Dr. Christian Tutschku
Fraunhofer Institute
We welcome Classiq into the Sequoia partnership. We are looking forward to work with the Classiq team on novel methods of generating quantum algorithms.
Shunichi Amemiya
Classiq’s platform enables us to effectively generate and run quantum algorithms for the issues in applying to our supposed use case.
Paul Lipman
Our partnership with Classiq allows us to create an easy on-ramp for customers so that they can model and execute complex circuits with ease.
Boaz Morris
Classiq’s hardware-agnostic platform enables enterprises to develop sophisticated quantum software faster and better than any other method.
Michael Rogers
Former NSA Director & Admiral USN (RET)
Classiq delivers a breakthrough in the way quantum software is developed.
Steve Suarez
Quantum computing has the potential to overhaul how we operate areas of the bank, like option pricing and risk analysis.
Richard Moulds
General Manager of Amazon Braket at AWS
We are delighted to work with Classiq to enable customers to design sophisticated, optimized and hardware-aware quantum circuits and deploy them with ease on our cloud.
Troels Steenstrup
Head of KPMG’s Global Quantum Hub
Classiq’s cutting-edge quantum software platform, will provide clients with innovative solutions that will help them drive business value through quantum computing.
Ilana Wisby
Classiq’s software helps unlock the power of quantum by abstracting away complexity for developers.
Leigh Lapworth
Classiq’s unique platform offers both optimization and ease of use that will be essential as we seek to run more and more sophisticated CFD models.
Paul Glaser
Hewlett Packard Pathfinder
We were impressed by Classiq’s novel synthesis engine that automates the creation of quantum circuits and leads to significantly lower barriers of entry for quantum computing.
Dr. Yehuda Naveh
Co-founder and CTO
Quantum computing may seem like a daunting challenge. But with the right partner and approach, it’s not that scary.
Nir Minerbi
Co-founder and CEO
Writing quantum software is hard, but Classiq makes it far easier to design, debug and maintain sophisticated circuits.
Amir Naveh
Co-Founder & Head of Algorithms
With Classiq, you can create complex quantum circuits that could not be built otherwise.

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